Kunstdrucke von Christlicher Kunst
A dove is sent forts from the ark
CHF 18.00
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A Holy Woman Wipes the Face of Jesus
CHF 18.00
A levite finds a womans corpse
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Abraham goes to the land of canaan
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Abraham sends hagar and ishmael away
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Adam and eve are driven out of eden
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Cain and abel offer their sacrifices
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Daniel confounds the priests of bel
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Daniels vision of the four beasts
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David escapes through a window
CHF 18.00
David mourns the death of absalom
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Disciples mourn over the dead jesus
CHF 18.00
Eliezer and rebekah at the well
CHF 18.00
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Elijah is nourished by an angel
CHF 18.00
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