Kunstdrucke von Christlicher Kunst
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Jesus preaches at the sea of galilee
CHF 18.00
Jesus preaches in the synagogue
CHF 18.00
Jesus preaches to the multitude
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Jesus raises the daughter of jairus
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Jonah is spewed forth by the whale
CHF 18.00
Jonah preaches to the ninevites
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Joseph interprets pharaohs dream
CHF 18.00
Joseph is sold by his brothers
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Judas maccabeus pursues timotheus
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Judith shows the head of holofernes
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Lazarus outside the rich mans house
CHF 18.00
Lot flees as sodom and gomorrah burn
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Moses breaks the tables of the law
CHF 18.00
Moses comes down from mount sinai
CHF 18.00
Moses strikes the rock at horeb
CHF 18.00