Art Prints by French Artists
The angel is sent to deliver israel
CHF 18.00
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Some children are destroyed by bears
CHF 18.00
Solomon receives the queen of sheba
CHF 18.00
Sennacheribs army is destroyed
CHF 18.00
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Rizpahs kindness toward the dead
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Peter is delivered from prison
CHF 18.00
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Peter and john at the beautiful gate
CHF 18.00
Paul preaches to the thessalonians
CHF 18.00
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Paul is rescued from the crowd
CHF 18.00
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Naomi and her daughters in law
CHF 18.00
Moses strikes the rock at horeb
CHF 18.00
Moses comes down from mount sinai
CHF 18.00
Moses breaks the tables of the law
CHF 18.00
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Lot flees as sodom and gomorrah burn
CHF 18.00
Lazarus outside the rich mans house
CHF 18.00
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Judith shows the head of holofernes
CHF 18.00
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Judas maccabeus pursues timotheus
CHF 18.00
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CHF 18.00