Gustave Doré was a French artist and one of the most important illustrators of the 19th century. His Bible illustrations were published in numerous editions worldwide and influenced not only religious art but also the visual representation of biblical themes in literature and film. His depictions of scenes from the Old and New Testament, including The Creation of the World, Moses and the Tablets of the Law, and The Apocalypse, shaped the perception of these stories for generations and made him an extraordinarily successful artist during his lifetime. He left behind an immense body of work, consisting of thousands of pieces, and is regarded as one of the greatest artists in this genre.
Art Prints by Gustave Doré
CHF 18.00
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Jonah is spewed forth by the whale
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Jonah preaches to the ninevites
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Joseph interprets pharaohs dream
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Joseph is sold by his brothers
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Judas maccabeus pursues timotheus
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Judith shows the head of holofernes
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Lazarus outside the rich mans house
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Lot flees as sodom and gomorrah burn
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Moses breaks the tables of the law
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Moses comes down from mount sinai
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Moses strikes the rock at horeb
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Naomi and her daughters in law
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Paul is rescued from the crowd
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Paul preaches to the thessalonians
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Peter and john at the beautiful gate
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Peter is delivered from prison
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Rizpahs kindness toward the dead
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